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Benevolent Missions of Atlanta (BMA) announces its 2009 fall benefit – Jazz in the Garden – which will be held Sunday, September 13th in downtown Atlanta. BMA, an Atlanta-based not-for-profit organization, has a successful history of giving to underserved children in the island of Jamaica and Atlanta.

The organization’s mission is dedicated to effectively harnessing and leveraging the time, talent, and resources of the Jamaica-U.S. community to assist disadvantaged and at-risk children, who possess great potential, throughout the island of Jamaica and in the metro Atlanta area. BMA’s goal is to help ensure that these children are prepared for a lifetime of socially-responsible citizenship.

BMA has just wrapped up a successful project at St. Ann’s Bay Primary, where a computer laboratory was established to assist students in their learning and several students were awarded scholarships to enable them to navigate the financial challenges facing many Jamaican primary school attendees. The organization is expanding its program this fall, to the second of six targeted schools, Seaward Primary School in Kingston, where a library facility will be equipped and up to 10 students will receive scholarships.
